Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Conversation Between Mr. Bon Jovi and President Obama

As you may have heard, with the White House having some PR problems these days, they needed some creative solutions. They turned to Jon Bon Jovi, a big supporter. I think this is how the real conversation went…

Obama:  Hey Jon, been smokin’ up a storm here, trying to figure out a solution to our PR problems.

Bon Jovi:  Well Mr. President, I have always been a supporter. But what can I do?

Obama:  Well, your music is great and I hear you are still pretty popular.

Bon Jovi:  Yeah, been lucky. What’s your favorite song I do?

Obama:  Well, um, that, um…”Come on Feel the Noise” was great.

Bon Jovi:  Mr. President, that wasn’t me.

Obama:  Oh, I know, just playing with you. My favorite is, “Like a Prayer”

Bon Jovi:  That was Madonna. I did “Livin’ on a Prayer.”

Obama:  Love Stinks?

Bon Jovi:  J. Geils.  Um, were you thinking “You give love a bad name?”

Obama:  Oh, yes, loved it! Got it piped through the big house’s audio system right now.

Bon Jovi:  I don’t hear anything.

Obama:  Well, for security, my office is set up a little different.

Bon Jovi:  So what can I do for you Mr. President?

Obama:  Well, like you, I am a creative guy. So I made up this Office of Community Solutions.

Bon Jovi:  Sounds…a little ambiguous.

Obama:  Well, had to have a government like name.

President Obama gave a big hat tip to kindness today, signing an Executive Order to create the first-ever White House Council for Community Solutions. According to a news release, the council will provide advice to the president on the best ways to mobilize citizens, non-profits, businesses and government to work more effectively together to solve specific community needs.  more…

Obama:  I need you to mobilize citizens, you know.

Bon Jovi:  Sounds like a job for the Police. Not the Roxanne, Police.

Obama: Oh, I loved that show. That Roxanne is a funny lady. But anyway, I want to appoint you as part of the council. I have 24 other people, but nobody really knows who they are.

Bon Jovi:  Like, Who, Who are you?

Obama:  Yes, exactly. And I thought you could bring in the young people.

Bon Jovi:  I’m 48.

Obama:  Katy Perry said no.

Bon Jovi:  Oh, I see. OK. Can you maybe plug my new CD in like a speech or something, one of those public address things?

Obama:  You’ve got it.

Bon Jovi:   Do you need autograph photos or anything for the live speeches, tours, or whatever you do?

Obama:  Naw, Katy Perry said yes to the autographs.