Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Beatles on iTunes

Thank you Steve Jobs!

I read the news today, oh boy.

After a decade, iTunes is finally selling the Beatles songs. Got to wonder why it took so long. Just because the Beatles had some issues with trademarks and Apple? After all, I do believe they came before Apple was even a thought (aside from Newton). Mr. Jobs was around 11 when the Beatles were starting to reach their peak, right?

I do wonder how much the lawyers made off of all this. Such a ridiculous thing. I mean, how much can Steve Jobs really control the universe? Doesn’t he read marketing reports that demonstrate the people (yeah, the customers Steve) wanted the songs years ago? And of course his quote, “It has been a long and winding road to get here.”

Great line Stevie, too bad Paul wrote it first. What a hack.

And also this gem, “In 1964, the band that changed everything came to America,” Apple said on its website. “Now they’re on iTunes.”

Imagine, being on iTunes is a bigger accomplishment! Damn, the arrogance, it's simply astounding.

I guess when you have so much money, the real issues of the people come second. I think Paul M. has enough money to create something bigger and better than iTunes, but then again, his attitude is probably just to get the music out there for new generations to hear. So buy the music on Amazon, just don't give Stevie the credit for something he kept from you.

So, I am now once again inspired. Many of you asked for another contest. So here goes, prize to be determined by originality.

Take a Beatles song, and bastardize it, social media it, trend it, let it make you cringe… as if you worked at Apple.

Here are some examples to get you started.

1. Yesterday, all my troubles were just a blog away…

2. When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Jobs comes to me...

3. Hey Jobs, Don’t make it bad, take my music, and make more money. Remember, to get it out of your head, animal names, don’t make OS better.

4. Ooh, I need your songs, babe.  Guess you’d know I do. Hope you need more money, so I can just use you.

Enjoy and be as obscure as you’d like to be. So much material to work with. You say you want a revolution, well, you know, Steve can change the world…


  1. Silicon Valley, forever!

  2. Well, you have a win in your pocket. So I will break the rules and let you set the deadline, since you have proven to be the best!

  3. Oh, and you can reuse a song, no rules against that. Cause Let it Be is just ripe...

    For though they are darkened,
    there is no backlight left to see,
    iPad is the answer,
    darkness lets you see.

    Kindle sucks so much,
    Holding and I just can’t see
    There will be a pricetag,
    My koi ponds let me see.

  4. we all live in a white submarine,
    with small type and clean

    (product design, get it?)

  5. hey makerry,you got nothing?

  6. @theadguy - not the best, just dumb luck. How about Wed, November 24 deadline, EOB?

    @anon, course I have something . . . wait-n-c.

  7. Wed the 24 EOB is the close of this contest!

  8. In the town where he was born
    lived a man who made Apple be.
    And he told us of his life,
    He was God, at least to he.

    We all live in Silicon Valley,
    Silicon Valley
    Silicon Valley

  9. Ah look at all the pathetic people,
    Ah, look at all the pathetic people.
    Stephen Jobs, picks up the money from anywhere he has been.
    Lives in a dream.
    Waits at the window, keeping his stash in 50 mattresses far from the door.
    Who is it for?

    All the filthy rich people
    I am the only God like one
    All the filthy right people
    iTunes is where all the rest belong.

  10. To clarify, contest is open to EOD west coast time!

    Would love to hear some of your comments and votes on the posts so far

  11. These are the opinions of @makerrymakerry only and do not reflect the opinions of theadguy:

    When I find myself in times of creative trouble
    Ad greats like @HeyWhipple, speak to me
    I hear his words of wisdom, don’t be a dickweed.

    And in my hour of creative darkness
    Ad agencies also inspire me
    Speaking their words of wisdom, talk to Mikey at Red7e

    Red7e, Red7e,
    It’s in Louisville Kentucky, Red7e
    Red whispers words of wisdom
    Don’t be discouraged ‘cuz it’s Possibility City

    And when the brokenhearted ad people
    Living in the world agree
    Don’t lose hope, there will be an answer like: Got Milk?, Just Do It, or Look, Ma! No Cavities!

    For though they are departed from West 20th, NYC
    Is there still a chance that I will see
    Cliff Freeman & Partners come back to inspire me

    Inspire me, inspire me
    Inspire me, inspire me
    Yeah, there is inspiration at Wieden + Kennedy

    Inspire me, @Bob_Barrie
    Inspire me, @Bob_Barrie
    Yeah, for creative inspiration they handed out iPads to everyone at BD’Murphy

    Inspire me, inspire me
    Inspire me, yeah, inspire me
    Whisper your condescending words of ad wisdom
    David Ogilvy

    And when my mind is cloudy
    There is a ray of light that shines down on me
    It’s @brian_theadguy’s blog, which inspires me

    I wake up to the sound of reverent music
    In the words of @FrankAdman from 1963
    Speaking his words of wisdom, have a cigar & a dirty martini

    Yeah, two or three, two or three
    two or three, yeah, two or three
    There will be a creative answer, after two or three

    Inspire me, inspire me
    Inspire me, yeah, inspire me
    Ad greats/agencies please whisper words of wisdom
    & spark my creativity!

  12. Very funny. I am just not that creative. I think the Job's quote in the article is hilarious.

  13. Nice makerry! Almost syllable true to the original. I am assuming I will see a few others. Will give you another to get you thinking...

  14. HELP!
    HELP! I need more money.
    HELP! Not just Bill Gates money
    HELP! You know I need more money, HELP.

    When I was younger, so much younger than God’s dog (paw-way),
    I never needed more money, in any other way.
    But now iPad is here, I am so self assured,
    Now I find, I won’t change my mind, opened up money doors.

    Help me if you can I’m feeling down,
    And I don’t appreciate iPhone sales down.
    Help me fund my trip to Pugent sound,
    Won’t you please, please help me.

    And now my life hasn’t changed in not a single way,
    My independence is stronger than Purple Haze.
    But every now and then I feel so secure,
    I know that I just need iPad support, like never before.

  15. i have a love hate relationship with this blog.but the HELP thing is just great

  16. Nobody did here comes the sun or baby your a rich man? come on!

  17. The "Help" think is kinda classic!

  18. The "Help" T-H-I-N-G is kinda classic too! Damn these "blisters on me fingers!"

  19. thanks billchill! Don't worry about spelling. Ever see my post on this...

    Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the ...huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

  20. I beg someone to give a shot at Here Comes the Sun..

  21. Here comes my sun,
    Here comes my sun
    And I say, “I bought it”

    Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah ba blahba

    Little Droidy, it’s been a long cold losing summer,
    Little Droidy, it feels like it took you some years,
    Here comes my sun,
    Here comes my sun
    And I say, “I bought it”

    Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah ba blahba

    Little Droidy, the smiles returning to my iPad,
    Little Droidy, will be years till you compete

    Droid, Droid, Droid there is goes,
    Droid, Droid, Droid there is goes,
    Droid, Droid, Droid there is goes,
    Droid, Droid, Droid there is goes,

    Little Droidy, I feel the spreadsheet ice is melting
    Little Droidy, your direction was never clear
    Here comes my sun, here comes my sun
    And I say, it's all mine, it’s all right

  22. Thanks for the Here Comes the Sun! I asked, you complied. THANKS! Love it!

  23. Strange, some of your posts just went away! Wasn't me, want them back!

  24. These are the opinions of @makerrymakerry and may not reflect the opinions of theadguy:

    Apple loves to sue
    You know they’ll sue you
    So watch what you do
    It’s a breeze, for them to sue
    Whoa, watch what you do

    Apple gets sued too
    One time by Kodak, times two
    Apple will countersue
    And the Court will seize, all profits too
    Whoa, Apple gets sued too

    Someone to sue
    Somebody new
    Someone like Microsoft
    Someone like you

    Apple loves what they do
    They copyright their “look & feel” too
    Always ready to sue
    So please, don’t use an apple design in blue
    Whoa, don’t do it cuz they’ll sue

    Apple loves to sue
    They sued Creative Technology, Intel & Apple Corps too
    They’ll take no pity on you
    So please, watch what you do
    Whoa, they’ll sue you
    Yeah, they’ll sue you
    For writing this song they’ll probably sue me too.

  25. Hey James, Adgirlmaria, theadguy and Anonymous (Here comes the sun) - that's some good stuff you posted!

  26. oh but you makerry, you know how to do it right!

  27. Okay, I'll way in. Anyone remember the StarTac?

    In Penny Lane there is a barber showing photographs
    Using iPhoto on the iPad he’s pleased to own
    And all the people that come and go
    Stop and tweet from their iPhone

    On the corner is a banker with a motorcar
    The little children laugh that he doesn’t own a Mac
    And the banker swears that from Apple he will abstain ...
    Very strange

    Steve Jobs hurts his ears and offends his eyes
    iEverything beneath every corner of the blue skies
    He sits, and considers it a sin.

    In Penny Lane there is a man with a StarTac
    And in his pocket is a portrait of a PC
    He likes to keep his life Steve free
    So crazy!
