Saturday, November 20, 2010

Beth by Kiss

Ankle Angst

Ok, first let me say this has nothing to do about marketing or advertising. Although I could tangentially relate it, I won’t. You may not find it amusing, but to me, so ironically funny.

First a little background. I am a piano player, have been since I was a kid. Only for fun, just occasionally professionally. But I do play often, by ear, and with any song that I hear or comes to mind. Hence one plug for the show Glee. Great show.  The last one we saw showcased the KISS classic, “Beth.” I never was a KISS fan, but love sappy love songs (yeah, I do have to admit that here).

Anyway, the rendition the Glee cast did was excellent. I quickly picked it up on the culprit of this escapade, shown below.

I can’t sing. My fiancĂ© can’t sing. We have tried, but we just suck at it. So I asked her to dance. She does yoga regularly and decided to do her own interpretive dance to the song while I was playing.

Started out fun and funny. We did it a few times, each time she got more inventive with her ‘routine.’ In the middle of the second time through, she told me she thought she hurt her ankle. But that didn’t stop either of us. We went on.

Third time through, she announced that her ankle really hurt. So I did show some concern after the chorus. We moved her to the couch. She actually sprained her ankle doing an impromptu yoga routine to “Beth.” Is that not funny?

We are debating going to the ER right now, but she is icing and hoping for the best. I, in my best doctor advice, figured icing and a black sock. That's OK, right?

What could be stranger than someone playing a KISS song on the piano (which is about the only KISS piano based song), and his fiancé dancing around and almost breaking her ankle?

Now that is funny, at least to me. And since it is the weekend, I shouldn’t have to write about advertising, right?

Got any similar stories? Ones you might not want to admit to? Please, get ‘em out!


  1. I sprained three ribs jumping from a stage and thinking it was cool at the time. It wasn't.

  2. i broke my leg at a Blues Traveler concert. Got no help from anyone.

  3. got a fake backstage pass to a phish concert. got busted. but no broken bone, just my ego

  4. A simple KISS has been the demise of many, no?
