Friday, November 12, 2010

All About Wax

When you delve into it, wax is just a strange word. As a male, wax usually is associated with our cars, as for females, usually means hair removal. We don’t think about it as a word so much, even though many of our cosmetics have it (spermaceti – extracted from sperm whales - insoluble in water). Today, in the East we have the Waxing Crescent moon. Which got me thinking about wax. Why a Waxing Moon? I understand Waning, makes since. But Waxing? And then the more mouth-play phrase, Waxing Gibbous. Sounds dirty, and inherently funny for some reason. But I am way off topic here. So let's get a little help from Harrison Ford to see how waxing his chest can help save the world.

Okay, what?! I appreciate the sentiment, but looks like old Harrison just wanted an excuse to show he’s still got it. And if it's to help the rainforest, shouldn't it have been a brazilian?

If you dig way into the definition of wax, it can mean 'increasing.' Maybe I'm a little stupid and just didn’t know this. It goes way back to Galileo's discovery apparently supported by the Copernican theory (he wasn't much of a stud, check out the pic on the link!). Ok, so now really far from my point, but I have an inquisitive mind. And I really don’t have a point!

Since this blog is about advertising, I offer this up for your patience in letting me rant about something as mundane as wax. Loretta Lynn also hawked Crisco!  Enjoy…


  1. Ummm we're in MTK so when you think wax we think SEX WAX for SURF BOARDS!

  2. I think a moon phase should be labeled 'relaxed moon'

    After all, the moon always looks relaxed and at peace with itself.

  3. I love the phrase Wax Ecstatic, but it never seems to come up naturally in conversation.

  4. what is the reference for that? never heard of it.

  5. sex moon and wax. i wanna surfer!

  6. loretta lynn? come on. post something current

  7. i love these old ads!

  8. is she still alive?

  9. I liked the last contest. Please have more! I almost got them all.

  10. who was the wax on wax off guy?

  11. Is that true about whales?

  12. yeah, whalers should be harpooned!

  13. wax on guy was ralph machio i think

  14. i hate that they hunt whales. that is soooooo wrong

  15. We eat shrimp, right? We eat lobster, swordfish, salmon and cod. Guess we just don't like whale meat. Might taste like chicken?
