Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Jingles are Dead

Remember when jingles were an art form? I still do. They are so much more powerful than taglines such as,” I’m lovin’ it.” Talk about something that says absolutely nothing. Ah, but the jingle – associating melodies with your favorite brand. For some reason, they are mostly dead these days. Many advertisers take the cheap way out and just take a top 40 song and drop it behind the visuals. Of course you remember the song, but the brand? One recent great ad had a song by Pat Monahan as the soundtrack, Hey, Soul Sister.

Definitely a great song worth buying. But can you remember the brand? Let me help you out, it was Samsung. But also let me ask you this, if you put this track behind any ad for an HD TV, would it really matter? Is there anything unique about the song that talks to the product or its benefits? Well, no there isn’t. I’m willing to bet anything that if you take a great song and put it in a spot, it will do wonders for the song, but the product? Nope. No way.

So to prove my point, let me give you just a few lines of some famous jingles and you name the brand. The art of jingles – I do think it’s dead.

First one to answer all correctly wins the opportunity to come back and read my blog again tomorrow. What a prize!

1.    My baloney has…
2.    Sometimes you feel like…
3.    The best part of waking…
4.    Oh I’d love to be an..
5.    I am stuck..

It was hard to find ones that didn’t have the product name in the first few words, but there is your test. Please don’t use that thing called the Internet and cheat. Reach into your melodic right brain and see what lies in the crusty trenches.



  1. 1. Oscar Myer
    2. Mounds
    5. So am I

    How did I do?

  2. I love I'm lovin it cause it is the last thing I think of an hour later after eating MickeyDs

    Cause, then im hatin'it

  3. I will probably read your blog again tomorrow anyway. I know all the answers, I actually worked on one of these campaigns. Take a guess.

  4. 1. i know is Oscar Meyer
    2. is Almond Joy
    3. ????

    4. an Oscar Meyer - a second weiner song?

    5. Band Aid of course. Not to be confused with Bob Geldolf

  5. 1. My baloney has a first name, it's O-S-C-A-R (Oscar Mayer Baloney)
    2. Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't (Almond Joy & Mounds)
    3. The best part of waking up is Folgers in your cup (Folgers Coffee)
    4. Oh I’d love to be an Oscar Mayer Weiner (Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs)
    5. I am stuck on Band Aid, 'cause Band Aid's stuck on me (Band Aid)

  6. I agree, make them harder!

  7. i was in the business of writing jingles for 5 years. still get checks. so not dead!
