Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What's Next?

With the inevitable death of MySpace (laying off 50% of the company), Facebook trying to be all things to all people (we know how that works out), the complete confusion of what Twitter is (unless it’s just me), Jaiku?, Foursquare?, and a host of other ‘social’ outlet wannabes, what’s next? Remember AOL and chat rooms?

We do have Augmented Reality (AR), which is really cool and being applied in special cases around the world. If you haven’t seen it, you should. Total Immersion is a pioneering company in the technology. It’s not really social media, but could have some nice apps associated with it.

But when you break it all down, isn’t it all really about two simple things? Getting/keeping in touch with other humans. Obtaining information.

Google really started the whole ball rolling, putting most of the information in the world at our fingertips. Then of course came the ‘smart phone.’

And now as we all jumped into this new tech world, our own security and identity has become sort of an open book. I saw a story where they reported that in another ten years the big thing will be people changing their names and identities, because the youth of today has naively opened their lives up to the world.

So again I ask, what’s next? What is the 2011 headline grabber? Wikileaks certainly became a household word almost overnight in 2010. Facebook is strong and still on the radar, for now. The Kindle and iPad have opened up new worlds for us.

I don’t really know what it will be, but I know what I would like to see.

I would like holographic TV integrated with social media. I mean, I don’t want to get up and get dressed and go to a party. I want all my friends and ‘followers’ to be in the same room with me virtually, just partying. I wouldn’t have to leave my couch. Imagine holographs of your friends and even the creepy people that follow you sitting around your house, doing all those things you do at a bar, party, etc.

I could have my holograph Mom come over and sit next to me watching ‘Dancing with the Stars’ (and I could mute her commentary), play Wii Tennis with three people I don’t know, have a jam session with U2, have Joe Rogan and Eddie Izzard telling me jokes, get totally drunk, and before passing out, just click them all out of the room. All in one night.

Of course my AHMAS (Automated Holographic Memory Archive System) would record the whole thing for later entertainment and my BITCH (Beauty Intensified Tweaking Callous-removing Hydroxylation) System would make me look flawless, muscle-bound and godlike in appearance throughout.

Can someone come up with that technology for me? I would pay $9.99/mo for it!


  1. Hmmmm, you forgot the romantic ending to the evening. It's a party after all. Think of what could happen in virtual reality!

  2. Well, that is the beauty of the whole thing. The example was a party night, there can be a whole romantic night, a workout night, a gorging on virtual food (which will seem fulfilling but not make you fat)-basically whatever you want. You see, there is a market for this, I know it!
